It's the end of February - an extra long one with the Leap Year, but the end of the month anyway.
The March Featured Stitchers are posted - go check out their blogs!!! I never fail to be impressed at how talented and diverse our fellow stitchers are. Check out these blogs and the blogs of all our different contributors. If you're new to the blogging community or haven't made the rounds lately, now is as good a time as any to see what's been going on.
Don't forget that every month, new stitchers are chosen at random to be our featured stitchers and have their blogs or online photo albums highlighted for the month. If you are currently on our contributor list, you are eligible to be a Featured Stitcher. If are NOT on the list but you have a blog or an online stitching album, please let me know about it and I'll include you. Remember, it's never a requirement to have a blog or album, but it is a fun way to get to know each other.
I will periodically remove inactive blogs from the Contributors List. If a blog hasn't been updated in more than 4 months, it gets removed so that readers of this blog are getting links to current stitching blogs. Also, if you change your blog address, please let me know so I can update the links.
The March Themes have also been posted, and the February ones will move into the Archives tomorrow. This months themes are
Sheep, Snowmen and Trains, and I've compiled a list of freebies for your enjoyment. (As always, you're free to stitch whatever you want and are not restricted to these themes). If you come across any other freebies, please let me know and we'll get them added to the list. Freebies are a nice way to try out new designers, and since the charts are usually small ones, they work great for ornaments.
And one last PS - please remember to label your posts and give credit to the designers / sources of your patterns.