This upcoming weekend - February 23 and 24th - is our monthly SAL weekend.
Start thinking about your ornaments and gathering your supplies so you're all ready to stitch this weekend. If you still can't decide what to stitch, take a look at our themes this month. We're featuring "Love", "Music" and "Winter", and there's a whole bunch of freebie charts to check out. Of course, you don't HAVE to stitch these themes, but you can use them as a starting point or to help you narrow down your choices.
Also, please remember to label your posts as it makes the blog so much more useful. Instead of looking through hundreds of posts, you can just click on a label and bring up all posts labeled as such. (Pretty handy, right?)
If you're confused on what to label your posts with, the left side bar has a link to tips on labeling your posts. You can click on the "Show All" option next to the label box at the bottom of your "New Post" screen (where you enter your posts). That will bring up a list of ALL the labels used so far on the blog and you can just click on the ones you need. Blogger also auto suggests labels as you type in the label box, so you can do that too. Don't worry if your label is not auto suggested or contained in the list - finish typing it in and it will add a new label.
And if you forget to label, you can always go back later and edit your post. I've been trying to fill in missing labels along the way as well. If you have any questions, just let me know and I'll be glad to help out.