Her father was masons, and his mother worked as maid at the motel, and every summer during the holidays Nellie penny, helping her. Parents have always maintained a daughter in her musical passions, which appeared very early. In the four-year-old girl first sang in public - duet with her mother, who for many years was chorister in the church choir.
At 9 years old Nellie beginning to play the ukulele, and 12 wrote the first song. All as expected with future stars. At the same time as her girlfriend asked to give their Christmas dolls and clothes, Nelly wanted to get from Santa Claus synthesizer and recording tape. In school she was seen in the jazz band, concert and march-team group - and all played on the trombone.
Nelly Furtado Large photo
Moreover, continued to take lessons in singing and dancing deal. The first serious passion for future stars became rhythm-and-blues and hip-hop. The walls of her room were portraits of rapper cover of music magazines.