The year families get into trouble by charging up their credit cards for Christmas gifts. Don't get caught up in commercialism during the holidays. You don't need to spend money foolishly for Christmas presents for your wife. Tell your wife how special she makes you feel by thinking your Christmas gift instead of adding to your bills for next year. Seven Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Wife Make a wooden box. Stain the box to match your home's woodwork or paint it a color used in your bedroom. You can't pick the wrong finish if you match your bedroom décor. Line the box with a pretty silky scarf and present a small gift inside. For the small gift, choose a piece of jewelry, a seashell you gathered together on a cherished vacation, or any symbol of your love. Don't charge expensive jewelry.
You can find antique jewelry for reasonable prices at an antique shop. If you can easily afford it, buy a gold chain with your children’s birthstones set into a pendant. If you have young children, help them make a photo album. Buy a high quality album that matches your home colors (or use fabric spray glue to cover a three-ring binder with fabric.) Take pictures of your children’s normal activities. Use acid-free paper to mount the pictures. Make Christmas dinner yourself. Plan and tell your wife that you will take care of Christmas dinner. Don't leave a messy kitchen for her to clean. Help the children clean up after gift opening. Find a snapshot of you two from an earlier time. Have it enlarged and touched up. Frame the picture in a frame that matches your décor. For instance, if your wife showcases silver, get a silver frame. So many families overspend during the holidays. Your important Christmas gift, love, better than diamonds, doesn't cost money.
You can find antique jewelry for reasonable prices at an antique shop. If you can easily afford it, buy a gold chain with your children’s birthstones set into a pendant. If you have young children, help them make a photo album. Buy a high quality album that matches your home colors (or use fabric spray glue to cover a three-ring binder with fabric.) Take pictures of your children’s normal activities. Use acid-free paper to mount the pictures. Make Christmas dinner yourself. Plan and tell your wife that you will take care of Christmas dinner. Don't leave a messy kitchen for her to clean. Help the children clean up after gift opening. Find a snapshot of you two from an earlier time. Have it enlarged and touched up. Frame the picture in a frame that matches your décor. For instance, if your wife showcases silver, get a silver frame. So many families overspend during the holidays. Your important Christmas gift, love, better than diamonds, doesn't cost money.