Your clients and employees love gift baskets for Christmas - as evidenced by how fast the goodies disappear! Nevertheless how do you choose the right corporate Christmas gift basket this year? One Word - Gourmet : Everyone's had the opportunity to try those old fashioned gift baskets loaded with old, tasteless fruits. Now's your chance to show them how much you really love them. This year went gourmet. It's not as expensive as you think...And you'll reap the rewards of gratitude long after the lush, juicy fresh red pears have disappeared and the gourmet chocolate is long gone.

Chocolate. Well we know how chocolate has these wonderful things called endorphins and well, chocolate makes us happy. Imagine your client indulging in a decadent chocolate morsel from your gift basket. Is he or she complaining now, as she talks to you about some order? No - you've sweetened them up! Thanks - the best way to say thank you all year long is with a nice holiday gift food basket. You can personalize the message, for example "To Your Health in 2008," or "Thanks for your business, it means a lot to us." People love to know they are appreciated, and now is the perfect time to tell them.