A Very Special Lighted Heart at Lake Tillery

After we received the photo of the COOL heart from Colorado, it wasn't long until Jonathan's wheels were turning. We have left our red, pink, and clear lights up till February supposedly to celebrate Valentine's Day but we all know that we just weren't ready to turn the lighted balls off

Jonathan rustled up some red lights, cut out a pattern from newspaper and made what we call a 'puffy heart' because it is 3 dimensional. I of course wanted a BIG BIG heart to take to Paulette. So the next night we had some friends over, had dinner, and made a HUGE 3 dimensional heart but realized that it was too big to fit in the car to take to the lake. So we hung it over our front door with the hook our nice friends from MS sent to us and we tethered it down - and left town - taking the smaller heart (about 10" x 18") to Paulette.

Bill hung it carefully with the 3 remaining balls just so that it would come into perfect view from 'her chair'. I know she really loved it and knew we loved her every time she saw it for the next couple of weeks. It got a special viewing and 'toast' from Bill, Jim and Rich at the family dinner Friday night March 2nd.

Bill says he plans to take the balls and the heart down as it IS daylight saving time. Saturday is the first day of spring. We find the longer days and more sunlight help encourage our souls.

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