St. Ruth's Designs Christmas Cottage from JCS 1998 (I'm pretty certain it was 1998). Done in DMCs on opalascent lugana.
LK "Faith" in DMCs on Wichelt's "Summer Sky" hand-dyed jobelan.
I think this is a LK pattern, but I was going by a picture so I'm not sure. If you can lend any knowledge, I'd be grateful.
part of a larger design from a bok I can't find now -- one of those big books of Christmas patterns
JABC's Jingle All the Way
Elizabeth Designs Christmas house form one of the JCSes - might have been last year's even.
part of a larger design from a British stitching magazine
Charland's wonky tree from last year's JCS in Belle Soie over-dyed silk on natural linen. And, an "edited" and beaded LK from last year's JCS.
And, drum roll please, the only ornie I've finished so far this year ---
From Gift of Stitching magazine.
As you can probably guess, any finishing catalysts would be greatly appreciated. lol