Presents for the parents

I gave my parents their presents when they visited this weekend so now I can share them with you all without fear that they might discover and the surprise being ruined.
The Ctr-Alt-Del pillows were for my father. They can go on the sofabed in his office and he can use them when he takes his nap.
I made them out of recycled jumpers and I think they turned out pretty good. He sure seemed to like them.

Another present for my father was this small bowl he can use for a bit of a snack when he is watching a film. I did the drawing myself and glued it to the bottom of the glass bowl from the outside. I then varnished the bottom for a nice finish.

My mother received these recycled spoon garden markers. I have earlier talked about how I made them in this tutorial over on Grey Duckling.

Finally, for my mother too I made this scarf using the very simple but effective basketweaving stitch that I have previously talked about on 'Roued is...' I made one of these for my father for his birthday and when my mother saw it she asked for one too!

Eddie from Grey Duckling