Perfect Gifts for Fellow Sewists (inc Tutorial)

Today was my last day at college until the new year. I wanted to give my fellow dressmakers a little something. Some time ago, I'd stumbled upon this tutorial on Martha Stewart's fabulous site, and decided they'd be perfect. And they were. Cute AND quick.

I used some of the fabric left from my Christmas aprons, as it's such a pretty floral. I made up the pincushions as per the tutorial, substituting the "leaves" in Martha's version, for pretty vintage buttons on mine, top and bottom. I secured the buttons with the embroidery floss, wrapping the loose end around the thread shank and tucking it undeneath the button to finish it.

I wrapped them in some polka dot cellophane (from my local florist) tied with a white ribbon. If I do say so myself, they looked soooo cute. All done in one evening, whilst relaxing in front of the TV with a glass of Rioja! Thanks Martha! I rather fancy making a giant one of these for myself.....

Happy Christmas all, With Love & Best Wishes, (Miss P)