Gifts for the Gardener

This Christmas I would like to give gifts that I have made myself. I decided to write some posts about it on my blog Grey Duckling and each has a theme. The theme last week was: Gifts for the Gardener.
For the gardeners in my life I made these nifty recycled spoon garden markers that I think they will enjoy. I have also shared some other ideas and links to tutorials that you might find useful when making homemade gifts for the gardeners in your life. If you have any suggestions of your own I would love to hear them in the comments here, on Grey Duckling or on twitter (@EddieDuckling).
I can tell you now that this week I will be making gifts for the musicians in my life. So keep tuned!


Recycled spoon garden markers

This is a simple little tutorial showing you how to make your own beautiful spoon garden markers. You will need a spoon of course. Some paper to cut out and draw on, a pencil, water-colours and an ink-marker to make your design, art fixative to make sure your design isn't ruined when you varnish it and last but not least some varnish to glue the paper to the spoon and cover the design to protect and create a nice finish. As you will see below some of my spoons have been bent. If you decide to do this remember to glue the design onto the spoon upside-down.

Hammered spoon garden markers

Another option when making garden markers is to hammer/stamp your message onto recycled silverware. Below you will find a couple of tutorials showing you how to do this:

Plant Support
Every gardener needs support for their plants. Have a go at building a wigwam from willow or any other material you happen to have.
Gardening Apron
Why not make a lovely gardeners apron. I'm sure it will be appreciated. You get a chance to use left over pieces of fabric to make pockets for the gardener to store seeds and tools.

Do you have more 'making gifts for the gardener' tips to share. Comment below and I will add them to the post.

Do you want to see some more ideas for gifts for the gardener?

Check out my new Pinterest board with ideas.