Links a la Mode - this week`s 20 best blog posts voted by the Independent Fashion Bloggers
+ 365 Fashion Rehab: Lessons from a (Reformed) Shopaholic: A beautiful handbag repaired (for free!). One more reason to buy quality over quantity.
+ Boheme Noir: The first ladies of Vogue – a closer look at the most important editors in chief.
+ Daisy Dayz: Friend Friday: How to learn from your mistakes and let your blog grow
+ Devilishly Pleasurable: Reflecting on the evolution of my blog and tips for better blogging!
+ Fish Monkey: The notion of flattering dressing is oppressive and unnecessary. Rather than conforming, why not chose a different shape?
+ Hazel Eye Personality: Who has what it takes to be the next big and game changing designer? It takes a lot of time, passion and sanity to make it in the fashion world.
+ Independent Fashion Bloggers: Work Smarter, Not Harder–3 Ways to Massively (and Permanently) Increase Your Traffic.
+ Miss Viki: “Love Me” and what is wrong with our beauty ideals, if anything?
+ No Guilt Fashion: I put on my game face and tried out my biggest fashion trend fear
+ Passionista Place: qvc, hsn…oh my! find out why home shopping networks have become a bit of an addiction for a modern passionista like me.
+ Seamstress Stories: Reflections on the role that mirrors play for our body image and self-perception.
+ Showcase Edge: Indie Fashion Goes Back to the future. A look at designers who hand-make clothing inspired by times of the past
+ Sidewalk Chalk: I’m a poser, baby: 7 steps for posing naturally in outfit photos
+ Stylish White Female: Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan: Some things are hard to give up. Fur is not.
+ Taxonomy of my Wardrobe: Shopping the Wardrobe. My version of this month’s Harper’s Bazaar Buy Now wear Forever list selected from my own wardrobe.
+ The Coveted: Three Way With a Long Chiffon Skirt
+ The Curvy Fashionista: Nordstrom reaches out to plus size fashion bloggers to collaborate on its newest plus size endeavor- Sejour
+ The Demoiselles: She is not a fashion blogger. She’s just a woman, sitting in her bathtub.
+ The Simply Luxurious Life: In a world that seems to be changing quicker than the seasons, what does it mean to be a lady?
+ The Wondergirl: retail-me-not: waxing poetic on two interesting happenings of late in the world of specialty retailing.
+ Vogue Mornings: How not to lose motivation when blogging, a few quick solutions to the problem many bloggers face.
Links a la Mode