Cliff Curtis, who currently stars as Rabbit Palchuk in the medical drama, Trauma, was married on New Year's Eve in his native New Zealand, to a woman whose identity remains a mystery.
The ceremony, which took place at his family's Tapuaekura a Hatupatu Marae on Lake Roitoiti, near Rotorua, was attended by 200 guests - mostly family. According to the actor's uncle, Toby Curtis, the bride's family flew in from Asia. According to a witness who was on holiday in the area, "She was a pretty Asian girl, she had about a dozen bridesmaids and a large number of whanau. They all seemed excited."
The bride arrived by catamaran from Rotorua's Duxton Hotel for the early afternoon ceremony, dressed in a strapless white dress with sweetheart neckline and floor-length veil. The wedding party left on the 53-ft. catamaran, named the 'Tiua', after the ceremony at about 3:30pm.
Curtis has a son and daughter from his first marriage.
PHOTO CREDIT: Fairfax Media