I loved the ornaments in this Dimensions kit, but the kit was a challenge in that I ran out of 3 of the thread colours. I am very careful and thrifty in my thread usage, but this kit was greatly under supplied as I was not even half way through the ornaments when I ran out of the colours so it was definitely a supply and not a stitching issue. Fortunately, I had enough suitable threads in my mystery thread box and made do to finish the ornaments.
This ornament is found in the recent JCS Preview Issue and is designed by Sharon Crescent. I liked it when I saw the design in the magazine and liked it even more when I saw it stitched up on another blog so I sat down this weekend and stitched it up using the suggested DMC colours on 28 count Charlescraft Irish Linen. Now I am stitching it a couple more times with different coloured balls (blue then purple) each time. It is a quick and pretty stitch!