Anne's January ornies

I finally put the last stitches into my Christmas ornie for this month's SAL - I'm sorry to say for my recipient's sake the bullion stitches aren't exactly fantastic, but hopefully she won't look too closely! ;) I just have to find something to place in the 'blank heart' as I don't have the button called for, then it's ready to be officially 'finished' and sent off on it's way ... (I've removed the recipient's initials for secrecy's sake)

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Christmas 2000 Sampler by Douglas Designs
from the 2000 JCS Christmas Ornie issue
using recommended threads, on a mystery 28ct linen

I also finally put the finishing touches into an ornie that Mum stitched for me - she just had the french knots left to do, and very kindly left me to do them, as she knows just how much I adore doing french knots! ;) It's supposed to have JABC star buttons, but I don't have any left, and I think it looks just fine without it. Thanks Mum, it looks just lovely! :D

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Rejoice by Lizzie*Kate
from the 2004 JCS Christmas Ornie issue
using 14ct red aida and recommended threads