Emmanuelle Alt is Carine Roitfeld`s successor

Vogue Paris has just announced that Emmanuelle Alt will be taking the position of Editor in Chief.

As the Fashion Director of French Vogue for over ten years, she worked very closely with Carine and knows the job. She previously worked as a contributor at Mixte as well as spending five years as editor of 20 ans.

I guess she is the right one for the job, since she has been working for Vogue Paris for ten years and learned from Carine.

For the personal impression I must say that she is missing "that special glow", that Carine had, that bright smile (that was never dishonest). But maybe that is a question of age and life-experience and may still come with the years.

Style-wise I am PAINFULLY missing femininity here! Her androgynous style is cool and she pulls it off, but it`s not versatile. It`s ok that she rocks the skinny pants and blazers but she could at least accessorize!

I don`t like it when fashion editors go for "minimalistic black" only, they should LOVE fashion and should wear some of the cool, new things that come every season. I`m not saying they need "to go Lady Gaga", but show at least that they know fashion and know how to wear it (which can be done in a very subtle way). This "all black cool" sometimes even appears like a rejection of fashion to me, like a "Yeah, I work in fashion but I`m too cool to wear it myself" attitude. Ladies, the "to cool for school attitude" is so 90s and SO OVER! Show some appreciation, please!

Do you approve of her? Do you like her and her style?