South Indian actress Samantha who has started her film career in Tollywood with her film "Ye Maya Chesave" is now ready to entertain her fans with her two upcoming new films "Brindavanam" and "Balle Kurallu" . This hot babe has already become hearthrobe of many youngsters with her appeal in her 1st film. She was shown very glamorously in that cinema with hot sarees and dresses. She was well suited for that Jessy character in that movie.This hot chick was correct pair for Naga Chaitanya in that musical romantic film.Now she is trying to make her position strong in south industry as there is huge compitition going on between Samantha , Bommali Anushka and Magadheera Kajal Agarwal.This hot beauty has bagged many film offers in tollywood and kollywood after her 1st film.In South Industry these 3 beautiful heroines are competing in order to make their position strong.Samantha cute babe who has impressed her fans with her smile and hot appearance is ready to attract and impress her fans even more with her 2 upcoming films "Brindavanam" and "Balle Kurallu".In Brindavanam she is paired beside Jr.NTR.This film is a complete family entertaining film.This movie is directed by Vamsi Paidipalli and produced by Dil Raju,Sirish and Laxman.This cinema would be striking the screens on actober 14th. Coming to "Balle Kurallu" this cinema has already been released in kollywood as "Banakthadi".This Tamil movie is being remaked in Telugu as "Balle Kurallu".In tamil version samantha was the heroine now even in telugu also she is the heroine.In this film hot chick actress Samantha is paired beside Hero actor "Adarsh".This movie is directed by Badri Venkatesh and produced by Srinivas Dameer.Music is given by Yuvan Shanker Raja.This film would be a complete youth full film with heart touching lovestory in it.Now these two films would decide Samantha position in south as she is competing with 2 beautifull heroines Anushka and Cute Kajal Agarwal.Lets wish her all the best and hope so she would retain her position strongly in south indian film industry.