Due to the brrrr cold weather, on Monday, Gardner took another load over to Second Harvest Food Bank of NW NC. With the temperature hitting nightly new lows, we emptied the trailer Monday and Tuesday night to keep the food from freezing and swelling the cans. Totals so far - Funds:- Second Harvest: $415.00
- Greensboro Urban Ministry: $5,272.00
Non-perishable food:- December 6 - Second Harvest Food Bank of NW NC: 483 lbs
- December 13 - Second Harvest Food Bank of NW NC: 369 lbs
Thanks to all of you for doing the hard work of installing and maintaining the Lighted Christmas Balls to share the joy with Greensboro and beyond and even more to "Shine the Light on Hunger" Ridgeway Drive got a little brighter this past Sunday when Daniel Hassell and Betty Hunt raised seven georgeous Lighted Christmas Balls high up in her oak trees. Looks like Betty's going for record height.
Betty Hunt |