Hit or Miss?

My rather lovely Amy Butler fabric arrived on Friday - thank you Lilly Bella Fabrics.

Love by Amy Butler. Please forgive the terrible photo!

 One of my Gift List had mentioned how much she liked the pencil roll I made for my Mother in Law, saying it would be useful for her roll-ups. Well, I am nothing but obliging so attempted a mini-version.  I have to admit it was not my finest hour and there may have been some swearing as I failed to get the tension right and my machine kept eating thread and fabric. I also had to rip it apart a few times to correct dumb mistakes, but finally I got this, which I can't decide if I like or not.  I may just start again as I have plenty of time and fabric left. Hmmmm.

In other news, I started the cowl for my brother which is going much better: